Wednesday 28 September 2016

Day 39: Corning to Cazenovia

Today was our penultimate century of the trip and it was very similar to our ride to Corning a couple of days ago.  The 8 am start it was very cold at about 2 C but warmed up quite quickly and with the early climbs people were soon shedding their layers (I just took off my arm warmers).  In the morning we rode just to the south of the Finger Lakes here in New York state and in the valley between two big climbs we passed through Ithaca, which is home to the ivy league Cornell University. After a lovely, Trevor prepared lunch we passed through several farms and more lovely scenery before reaching tonight's destination in Cazenovia. We again had some fairly tasty headwinds to contend with in the afternoon but Charlene and I were riding together again and shared the burden of being out front.  There is a bit of a discrepancy in our sizes and it must look a bit comical with me, being quite tall trying shelter behind her petite frame.  It was a really nice day though and the hotel wins the award for the most picturesque location, sitting as it does on the banks of a lake.  The dinner tonight was really good too, butternut squash soup, tuna and chocolate cheesecake for me.

Ride Details

On a bridge over a gorge on the way out of Ithaca
The view from the other side
Action shot of the day
Lake Cazenovia next to the hotel
The hotel

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