Thursday 1 September 2016

Day 12: Helena to Bozeman

Well today turned out to be way harder than it appeared on paper.  Quite literally the route guide understated the actual miles (116 rather than the true 120 - only by 4 but they all count).  What made it difficult was the strong headwinds we endured for the majority of the day, that plus the heat in the afternoon made the day a real challenge.  The first 50 odd miles before lunch were really hard going and quite a few of the group opted to take a bump up the road in the van.  Our little group of five buckled down and worked together in the afternoon and with the wind direction changing from cross to tail towards the end of the day we made it to the hotel around 17:30. Today we experienced our first rain shower, it didn't last long and came as a welcome relief coming as it did when we were burning up along a 30 mile stretch of main road.

The day wasn't all bad though, there was more nice scenery around the Missouri river at the beginning and the views of mountains in the distance on the run into Bozeman.  I took my first ever selfie (see below), didn't really take to it and will be getting other people to take my selfies in future.  There was a moment during the first van stop when Bruce Springsteen was playing on the stereo and it fitted perfectly with the Montana surroundings and made me think what a cool thing to do this is.  I have just got back from the co-op down the road in Bozeman, it's selection put it's namesake on Wanstead High Street to shame.  I got mac n cheese and fried chicken.  Now I gonna use ma foam roller and catch me some zeez, ain't no one gonna stop me.  (I like American things now).

Ride Details

Our group outside the Montana State Capitol Building in Helena
More road side waiting for puncture repairs
My selfie
Missouri river
Montana landscape
Me and more Montana landscape


  1. Sorted. Christmas present for you this Christmas?........selfie stick!

  2. Pair of socks will be fine
