Thursday 22 September 2016

Day 33: Coldwater to Bowling Green

Another beautiful sunny day for a bike ride today.  Again it was a relatively long, flat stage (you're not in the Tour de France) day but with enough variety in the road topography and landscape for it not to be boring. We started on more dodgy roads in Michigan before entering out 11th state of the trip, Indiana for all of 7 miles.  The majority of the ride was through the countryside of Ohio, state number 12 and by the time we reached tonight's destination in Bowling Green had reached the 75% mark in our journey.  For some reason today my front wheel attracted the attention of not one but three dogs and it took all my sprinting reserves to out pace them.  We also saw a cat but that ran in the opposite direction, much more sensible animals.

Ride Details

The Dream Team crossing the Michigan / Indiana state line
Farm building at the same spot
Indiana / Ohio state border.  See below for an exclusive behind the scenes making of shot
This is how the magic happens
Lots of these red coloured barns around today
Cooling off in the afternoon sun

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