Monday 5 September 2016

Day 16: Sheridan to Gillette

The gang were in good spirit this morning as we left Sheridan as the sun was back out and yesterday's war of attrition was behind us.  The day was an enjoyable one of good weather, rolling hills and lots of wildlife spotting.  En route we visited a tiny, historic jailhouse and the town of Spotted Horse, population 2.  On the way into Gillette we passed an enormous coal mine, Wyoming supplies 35% of the nations coal, not as pretty as some of the sights but pretty impressive.  Other than that not a lot to report, another century in the bag, I am getting rather blase about the previously special and celebrated ticking over of the garmin computer from 99.9 miles to 100.  I have also been practising my American pronunciation of 'water' as my English pronunciation has not been understood by more than one waiter (I thought it was just Romanian work colleagues that had trouble understanding me).  At the van stops and lunch the guides put out a portable speaker to play music and I'm really enjoying the selection, a bit of Fleetwood Mac yesterday, some Simon and Garfunkel today, the guides have good taste.  More days like today please.

Ride Details

Sunny morning in Wyoming
Silence of the Lambs
The only building town
Spotted Horse

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