Saturday 3 September 2016

Day 14: Columbus to Lovell

Fortunately, the threatened headwinds didn't materialize today.  In fact helpful tailwinds for long periods made this one of the easiest days so far.  We rolled out of Montana into the increasingly Wild West landscapes of Wyoming, our fifth state so far in the trip.  We made such good progress that we were in Lovell for 13:30 so were able to have a relaxing afternoon before dinner.  This probably contributed to feeling of calm before the storm as tomorrow we face the day of most ascent at 8000 feet including a single climb of around 6200.  The temperature is supposed to drop considerably tomorrow as well so that plus the altitude (highest point 9430 ft) mean I'll be preparing the cold weather gear tonight.  Fingers crossed I don't have nightmares about tomorrow's ride profile tonight.

Ride Details

Me and Michael rolling out of Columbus
Oh prairie shit, someone's gonna have to go back and get a shitload of dimes
Rail road
Into Wyoming

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