Thursday 8 September 2016

Day 18: Sundance to Rapid City

A great day riding today.  The first 20 odd miles were a fast paced slightly down hill ride averaging just under 25mph.  We then entered South Dakota, the sixth state of the trip (no state sign unfortunately).  Next we started the gentle ascent of Spearfish canyon tracking the river on our left with waterfalls and great scenery. A couple of tough climbs and fast paced descents before a superb last rolling 35 miles through the Black Hills Natural forest before arriving in Rapid City.  The weather, scenery and roads all combined to make this one of the best rides I can remember.  At the run in to the hotel there was even an unplanned ride through a construction site that had appeared since the route was planned.  I would have stopped to take more photos but was having too much fun riding.  Tomorrow is a rest day in Rapid City now we have completed 40% of our journey.

Ride Details

Spearfish Canyon 1
Spearfish Canyon 2
Spearfish Canyon 3
Lunch Stop
Black Hills 1
Black Hills 2

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