Friday 16 September 2016

Day 27: West Union to Boscobel

A different type of day today in contrast to the previous few of long, straight exposed roads looking at corn. There was more variety in the scenery, more exciting roads with turns, climbs and descents.  The weather was different too, it was very humid and foggy to start, this together more lush vegetation and loud insect sounds made it almost rain forest like.  There were fairly strong head winds at the start of the day but fortunately they didn't last and turned round in our favour as the day progressed.  The damp conditions worsened to full on rain as we descended down towards the Mississippi river so we were pretty soggy by lunch time.  Lunch was by the banks of the river and after we crossed a bridge over it into our ninth state of the trip, Wisconsin. There followed a quite nasty stretch of busy road that was narrowed for engineering work which wasn't much fun in the wet.  We soon turned off though and there followed a nice 20 mile ride along a quieter, winding road following a Mississippi tributary to the hotel.  The sun even made an appearance to dry us off a bit en route.

[I have updated yesterday's post with some cool action shots taken by Charlene in her temporary role as group photographer].

Ride Details

Mississippi 1
Mississippi 2


  1. Just caught up on your blog. So you're already past halfway! Glad the scenery and roads are improving.
    Cool action shots from Charlene. Will she be back riding soon?
    I've sold the Trek MTB - gonna get me one of those gravel bikes!

  2. She's going to see how she is after tomorrow's rest day so hopefully. What did you get for the bike? Did you put it on eBay?

  3. A chap at work was looking for one - I thought it would be easier to sell it to him rather than put it on eBay. Got £550 which I think was reasonable?
    Off work this week so will hopefully look at getting a replacement.
