Sunday 18 September 2016

Day 28: Boscobel to Madison

It was a lovely day cycling today as we made our way to the Wisconsin state capital, Madison.  Bright sunshine, morning mist, perfect temperatures, favourable winds, nice roads and scenery made this one of the best days of the trip so far.  We tackled the steepest climbs of the trip with some gradients up to 15% but none of them were very long so were manageable without too much grimacing.  I would say the countryside we road through was quite reminiscent of England really.  On our way in to Madison we passed through some very wealthy looking neighbourhoods with tree lined streets and huge houses before cycling round the picturesque Lake Mendota to our hotel.  Madison is the base for Trek Travel so before dinner tonight we got to meet some of the team from the office who we had corresponded with before the trip, the president and president of Trek itself were also in attendance!  Madison seems a nice place so looking forward to a lazy day exploring it tomorrow.

Ride Details

Crossing the Wisconsin river
Get yer pumpkins
Wisconsin countryside 1
Wisconsin countryside 2
Wisconsin countryside 3

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