Sunday 4 September 2016

Day 15: Lovell to Sheridan

Today we tackled the Bighorn pass up to Observation Point at 9430 feet - the weather made sure it was a day to remember.  We started the ride in light rain and spent the first 20 miles slowly ascending to the climb proper.  As we began it thick fog meant that visibility was down to about 20 feet which might have been a blessing as we couldn't see the scale of the task that lay ahead of us.  It was actually quite enjoyable as I settled into a rhythm following the white line at the side of the road.  About halfway up we rose above the fog and visibility improved but temperatures were continually decreasing and after 20 miles we finally reached the top were it was a barmy 3 C.  A bit of descending later and the bedraggled group were at lunch, soup and hot chocolate never tasted so good.  After lunch there was a brief climb before the main descent down the mountain, as we started this the fog returned with a vengeance and we had to take it very gingerly down to the bottom.  Some of the group had to take the van to the hotel because the guides deemed the conditions to dangerous to ride but I just missed this so was able to ride the whole way.  After the fog cleared towards the end of the descent I had to contend with a torrential rain / hail shower and headwinds before arriving at the hotel.  So the day was eventful, still I felt strong and apart from feeling a bit cold and wet at the top enjoyed the ride and didn't suffer.  I am officially no longer a fair weather rider.

  Ride Details
Rising above the fog

Michael and Scott
The sign at the top of the steepest section shows the gradients we just faced.
Stephen in the pic with me 
At the top

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