Friday 23 September 2016

Day 34: Bowling Green to Strongsville

A pretty long day in the saddle today.  We set off from Bowling Green just as the sun was rising and the first 50 miles were enjoyable in pleasant temperatures going at a fair pace.  Then our progress was abruptly halted at a train crossing. We have seen plenty of these huge, mile long trains during our journey and I suppose it was inevitable that at some point our paths would cross. We waited about 20 minutes while one train passed but another on the other track didn't seem to be going anywhere.  A motorist who was also waiting told us of a detour and kindly escorted us the 2 or 3 miles to get us back on our way.  After lunch the temperatures continued to rise to over 30 C and I was flagging a bit at points but we saw the support van frequently on the run in so much sugar was consumed in various forms to supply the energy to get to the hotel.  There were a couple of bike paths on the way in and they provided welcome shade and a break from the traffic too.  My bike computer is set to statute measurements and didn't realise until after I got back that I had ridden just 300 meters shy of 200 km, should have done a couple of warm up laps before we set off.

Ride Details

Leaving Bowling Green at sunrise
Long morning shadows
Train makes its way past
This one was going nowhere
Unplanned stop
Making our way over a cool bridge

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