Wednesday 21 September 2016

Day 32: Holland to Coldwater

Another slightly later start today because of the time zone change.  We left Holland with fairly cloudy skies and over the course of the first couple of hours riding they became increasingly dark and menacing. Outrunning the approaching storm was futile and soon we were riding in torrential rain, thunder and lightening. Fortunately one of the support vans was just down the road so we took refuge in that for quarter of an hour while the worst of it passed.  After lunch the skies brightened and it got quite warm so we all dried out quite quickly.  The afternoon presented a new challenge as we had to contend with some pretty shoddy Michigan roads.  We were all shaken about from the uneven road surface and pot holes.  There is a convention when cycling in a group of pointing out pot holes and other hazards in the upcoming road for the benefit of riders behind whose view is obscured by the cyclists ahead of them.  By the end of the day I had nearly developed repetitive strain injury from pointing at the road for 50 miles.  116 miles in total today so the longest one for a while though we made good progress so got to the hotel at Coldwater just after 4pm. Another 5 centuries to go before our final rest day.

Ride Details

First van stop, dark clouds encroaching
In the van an hour later, laughing at weather
Tonight's restaurant, can we have a table with a good view of the tv please?

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