Sunday 11 September 2016

Day 22: Oacoma to Mitchell

Another lovely day today, a bit warmer than yesterday and the winds were more cross than tail.  Being such a short ride and given we were blown most of the way yesterday I decided to push it a bit more so I made good time (4:11 moving time - lowest of the trip I think).  Shot myself in the foot slightly because my room wasn't ready at the hotel when I arrived, only had to wait 20 minutes though.  Along the way there was a mural of the twin towers, so took a photo, this being the 15th anniversary of 9/11.  Lunch was a bit special today as it marked the halfway spot of our journey across the country so champagne was popped and group photographs taken.  Today's scenery was more grasslands so I won't bore you with more landscape photos. One of the striking things about riding through this part of the country is how few people there are about, there are very few cars and virtually no cyclists.  One benefit of this I am managing to get in the top 10 in quite a few Strava segments (defined stretches of road where rider's times are placed on a leader board). Yesterday I even got a King of the Mountains (the top spot), I won't get too big headed though as only 8 other people have ridden it.  Spent most of the afternoon watching programmes about storms.

Ride Details

9/11 Mural
Woah, we're halfway there

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