Tuesday 13 September 2016

Day 24: Sioux Falls to Okoboji

Today I ticked off not one but two new states.  Our route took us out of South Dakota and into Minnesota (see below) where we spent the majority of the ride before entering Iowa (no state sign unfortunately) where are due to remain for the next few days. The scenery did not change much between states however as we are now in the heart of the farm belt with field after field of corn.  As we made our way to tonight's destination we passed several large lakes which came as a welcome change.  The weather was pretty cold all day with a north / north easterly wind making our continued progress east harder than we've had it for the past few days - the knee and arm warmers remained on all day.  Our group experienced its first crash off the trip as George came off and needed to go to A&E for a couple of stitches to his head.  Fortunately it was not too serious and he should be back in action tomorrow.  Our hotel tonight is pretty big and full of people which is a bit surprising for the area but apparently the lakes draw a lot of tourists and no doubt a few golfers here for the rather pretty course right next to the hotel.

Ride Details

Into state number seven
Guide Trevor's Bolt impression 
Golf course at the Arrowwood hotel

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