Saturday 10 September 2016

Day 21: Kadoka to Oacoma

It was a beautiful clear, crisp morning when we left Kadoka today.  Hardly a cloud in the sky and the temperature gradually increased through the day for a another brilliant day's riding.  The profile today was gently rolling hills following a slowly descending course and with tail winds we made very good time, it was one of the easiest 112 miles I'll ever ride.  We crossed from Mountain to Central time (GMT -6) en route through the grasslands of South Dakota but even with the lost hour were at the hotel just after 3pm. Charlene and I stopped to take a closer look at a rodeo that was taking place close to where we were riding.  There were loads of people decked out in their checked shirts, cowboy hats and boots, this is obviously how a lot of South Dakotan's spend their Saturday afternoon.  Tomorrow we have a later start of 8 am rather than the usual 7:30  to allow for the time zone change, it is only 77 miles tomorrow and if the wind is as cooperative as today I reckon we'll be their by midday.  Just back from a buffalo burger, fries, apple pie and ice cream, I am turning into a native and enjoying the ability to eat with impunity.

Ride Details

Preparing to depart Kadoka
South Dakota grasslands 1
South Dakota grasslands 2
Rodeo 1
Rodeo 2
Capitalising on the tail winds 

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