Saturday 24 September 2016

Day 35: Strongsville to Meadville

Today was another long day's riding.  We left at 8 am again because the hotel didn't start breakfast until 7 am.  The ride including the most significant climbing for a number of days with lots of short, steep rolling hills so was a bit of a shock to the system. The riding conditions were very pleasant though with lots of sunshine and temperatures lower than yesterday, there was a bit of a head wind for most of it but there was a fair amount of shelter today so it wasn't so troublesome.  The day started through some of the Metroparks of Cleveland's outer suburbs, riding on bike paths, we then passed through some really pretty looking villages with Chagrin Falls a particular highlight.  As we progressed we saw more and more of the local Amish population riding along the road in their horse drawn buggies.  They seemed friendly and waved at all of us as we passed on our bikes, perhaps acknowledging a shared eschewing of the motor vehicle, although I did see many of them trimming their lawns with strimmers (in US - Weed Whackers).  Later on in the ride we passed in to Pennsylvania our 13th state.  We even had time to feed some fish on the way.  All in all a long but varied and enjoyable ride.

Ride Details

In the Metropark
Nice lunch spot today
Over the causeway to Pennsylvania
Feeding the fish

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