Friday 9 September 2016

Day 20: Rapid City to Kadoka

Back on the bikes today after our rest day in Rapid City.  The morning was cool, overcast and rainy so really rather reminded me of home.  We cycled in these conditions for three hours before lunch in Wall.  Wall is famous for its Drug Store (or Wall Drug as it's known), it has actually developed from a drug store to a mall and tourist attraction and we've been seeing road side signs for it and its 5 cent coffee since we were back in Montana.  Whilst at lunch a guy from the local paper saw us and asked us about our trip so we may well end up in the local rag.  Throughout the trip I am amazed at the interest people take in what we are doing, I think the sight of 13 lycra clad people on bikes is unusual in large parts America.

After lunch the weather brightened as we entered the Badlands National Park.  This is an area of grass prairie littered with amazing jagged rock formations created by erosion from the wind and rain.  It was really spectacular and had a bit of an alien landscape feel to it.

Back from dinner where I had a 12 oz sirloin (this is steak country after all) so should provide plenty of protein for the muscles to face another century tomorrow.  After all the riding I am currently placed 34th out of 185,602 participants in the Strava September Distance Challenge.  Get in!

Ride Details

Scott and I improvising with clingfilm on the shoes
Into Badlands
Badlands 1
Badlands 2
Badlands 3
Badlands 4

Badlands 5
Badlands 6


  1. Good going. V interesting scenery. Cling film - good idea! As I think you already know, you've rinsed 'Gaz-The Plumber Braithwaite' and now hold 33rd position! My total for September is 10.

  2. Enjoying the daily diary! The distances you are travelling are super impressive! I did 5 miles the other day through the woods on my lovely new light bike (haven't cycled for several years) but still found it hard work, I can't manage a few metres of uphill without getting off and pushing so your tales of multiple mile ascents are quite inspiring...I must try harder! Glad you are enjoying the adventure, I expect you will want to just keep going at the end of this trip!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Keep it up Lucy, you'll soon be racing up the hills and obsessing over Strava stats. This is my life at the moment, don't really know what I'll do with myself afterwards!
