Wednesday 14 September 2016

Day 25: Okoboji to Clear Lake

Today was another day of gently rolling hills through the farmland of Iowa as we chalked up century number 11.  The sky was clear all day so it was a little chilly in the morning but warmed up nicely through the day, winds were cross to head but fairly light so not enough to make the ride difficult.  The first morning stop was the best yet with fresh blueberries, raspberries, coffee and pumpkin cake.  On the way in to Clear Lake we rode by the lake for a couple of miles which was very pretty.  Clear Lake is the place the Buddy Holly played his last gig before he died in a plane crash, the site of the crash is also not far from here. Unfortunately the day was marred by another incident.  I was riding with Charlene just before lunch and when a car came within inches of me in the same direction, I turned round and Charlene was on the ground.  The car had clipped her.  Luckily she was not badly hurt, a few scrapes and a bruised leg but couldn't ride the rest of the day.  The driver got out and wandered over to see if we were ok, he was elderly, walked with an aide and couldn't hear very well (nor see obviously) and really shouldn't have been be on the road.  Micheal the guide wasn't far behind in the van so took his licence plate and called the local police.  Hope my cycling buddy isn't out of action for long.

Ride Details

Pumpkin cake at morning stop - cheers Trevor
Soya beans and wind turbines galore today

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