Sunday 25 September 2016

Day 36: Meadville to Bradford

Another great ride today, definitely made the top 5.  We set off from Meadville in cool temperatures of around 6 C but more short, steep climbs from the outset meant it didn't take long to warm up.  It was one of those crisp, cloudless days that I really like riding in and that in combination with some more nice scenery in Pennsylvania made for great day.  Shortly after lunch we hit more roadworks and had to make an impromptu detour along some train tracks which added to the excitement.  Not only was today's destination Bradford but I also saw signs for a nearby Sheffield which added to the Yorkshire theme.  There was plenty of trees around today and we are just beginning to see the pretty autumn yellows and reds making an appearance, I expect the transition will progress over the remainder of the trip.  Still surprising myself with how my fitness levels are improving and how I'm getting through the days without many tears.  That said, pretty tired right now so that'll do for tonight.

Ride Details

Pennsylvania countryside 1
Pennsylvania countryside 2
Charlene and Trevor in their cold weather gear
Jim and Mark arriving at the lunch stop
Train track detour


  1. Can see by the photos what a nice day's ride you must have had - quite envious now!

    Although, isn't that a bit of a dodgy detour?!

  2. Nah, sanctioned by the guides who are very safety conscious, it was only a short stretch with no fast trains.
