Friday 2 September 2016

Day 13: Bozeman to Columbus

The last full day in Montana today and conditions were much more conducive to happy cycling than yesterday with lighter winds and less heat.  The morning was beautifully clear and perfect for cycling.  This was our third consecutive century but today's was a walk in the park compared to yesterday.  I continue to surprise myself by how strong I still feel and today instead of riding with my usual group rode with the strongest rider of trip in the morning and rode alone after lunch.  I haven't ridden alone much this trip but it was nice to today, the group offers company and aerodynamic advantage but it is nice to be alone and not have to worry about the etiquette that accompanies it sometimes.  Got to the hotel before 3pm today, and it makes a big difference having an extra couple of hours to relax in the afternoon.  I had another great massage earlier and just got back from having a tasty brisket burger in 'the best restaurant in town', although there didn't appear to be a great deal of competition.  Tomorrow is 89 miles with 2600 feet of climbing so should be an easy day (anything under 100 receives that designation on this trip), however there are rumours that the headwinds may be back.

Ride Details

Lovely clear morning on the way out of Bozeman
We're in the Wild West!
If you're sick of landscape pictures, here's an arty shot (mistake)
On the way in to Columbus
Tonight's dinner spot