Monday 29 August 2016

Day 9: Lolo to Missoula

A bit of a nip in the air when I opened the door to the outside today so the knee warmers were on for the first time.  Today's ride was a rolling recovery day as we coasted into Missoula.  The scenery was amazing as we cycled the first half mainly downhill. For those that are familiar with it the surroundings reminded me of the Derwent valley in Derbyshire multiplied by 5. It was also nice to ride pretty much as a group for the majority of the ride.  On the longer days the varying abilities and preferences for break durations mean that it gets very fragmented.

Now in Missoula in a nice hotel and looking forward to a day and a half off the bike.  Have already dropped off my suitcase full of dirty lycra at the laundrette and caught up on the blog posts following the lack of internet the past couple of days so ready for some quality R&R.  Unfortunately in an attempt to fix my issues I've had trying to upload my rides I've deleted everything from my garmin so the last 4 are gone forever, you'll just have to trust me. [have now uploaded another member of the group's ride files to replace these].

Ride Details

A crisp morning start in Lolo
Peleton in full flight down to Missoula

View from the hotel balcony

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