Tuesday 23 August 2016

Day 3: Portland to Hood River

Great day cycling today, starting with a leisurely 20 mile traverse of Portland's bike paths where the group was outnumbered by cyclists on their morning commute to work. Looked a much more pleasant journey than the one I would face in London.  After that we stopped at a viewing point to take some pictures of the spectacular Columbia River Gorge before for following the historic columbia river highway to tonight's destination at Hood River. Unsurprisingly the road runs parallel to the Columbia river which also marks the state line between Oregon and Washington.  The weather great, so too the scenery and roads, I like Oregon a lot.  Off to an Italian in a bit where I intend to eat my body weight in pasta.  Big day tomorrow.

Ride Details

Waiting to hit the road
Columbia River Gorge
Me at the same spot
One of the waterfalls opposite the river
View from the hotel window

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