Wednesday 24 August 2016

Day 4: Hood River to Prosser

Biggest day of the trip in the bag and the longest ride I've ever done, 134 miles with around 7500 feet ascent.  Started at 7 am and got to hotel at 6 pm, even though it was a long day I felt fine really, we had heat and headwinds to contend with as well but I took it steady and ate and drank plenty. The start of the ride was great with more amazing scenery, smooth clear roads and perfect weather. Later we crossed from Oregon to Washington and there was a gradual change in the terrain as we ascended from fertile forest to high desert.

Calories burned today: 5542, that's the equivalent of two days recommended intake for a man or one medium sized American breakfast.

Ride Details

State number 2
Good vista
More nice scenery with a mountain visible in the background
Tara, the masseuse and support guide at a snack stop


  1. Good god that sounds exhausting! Fantastic achievement though, really well done. Ross says he hopes Tara gave you a good rub down :-) Enjoy Washington, J&R xx

  2. I will definitely by calling on her services soon. I brought foam roller but it requires a bit of contortion to access certain muscles, much easier just to lay there!
