Thursday 25 August 2016

Day 5: Prosser to Walla Walla

Today's 100 miles seemed like a walk in the park compared to yesterday's slog. We started with a climb out of Prosser then the rest of the day was mainly rolling hills which I really like. The terrain was more high desert and today we saw tumbleweed and a couple of dust devils. Unfortunately, being so ephemeral I was unable to get a shot of a dust devil, I also would have liked to time a badly received joke with a tumbleweed flying across the road but failed in that too.

Feeling surprisingly ok given the volume of miles we are starting to put in. I am taking the rides fairly easy and trying to be disciplined using my foam roller that I brought along to self massage the legs in the evening. That said, the first rolling recovery day on Monday (37 miles mainly downhill) followed by a full rest day on Tuesday are beginning to look increasingly inviting.

Managed to sort strava issues so here's today's Ride Details

Goodnight from America's most Australian sounding town.
Me at Cable Bridge, first cable stayed bridge in US
The peleton looking a bit ragged after yesterday's exertion

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