Monday 22 August 2016

Day 2: Astoria to Portland

First day of proper cycling today as we cycled back to Portland. Conditions were pretty good with temperature between about 12 to 22 C (I am getting better at translating the Fahrenheit scale in the weather reports here to Celsius).  The roads were nice and smooth and traffic pretty courteous although the occasional massive logging truck roaring passed were a bit scary.  The lunch spread was very nice and we were well looked after en route with drinks and snacks.  The masseuse was amused by my pronunciation of the word massage, I joked that by the end of the trip I'd be talking like everyone else here, but that ain't never gonna happen, no siree.

Not many photos today because I was riding, will try and make the effort to take a few more.

Ride Details

Lunch in 'Big Eddy Park'

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you've got your first big day of cycling in the bag, here's to quite a few more! Glad they're feeding you well, good luck wit the rest of the trip, Ross, Janiine and Flossy xxx
