Tuesday 30 August 2016

Day 10: Rest Day in Missoula

Very lazy day spent in Missoula today.  Lie in, followed by a late breakfast.  I went up to a small retail park to buy a cheap laptop, the iPad I brought isn't great for writing blog posts and can't get it to communicate with the Garmin.  Apart from that, picking up my laundry and going out for food I didn't really leave the hotel room.  I considered walking to the 'M' written on the hillside opposite the hotel, it is visible in the photo from the previous post and stands for the University of Montana which is based here.  I opted for laying on the bed reading instead, I think I made the right choice, the view would have been diminished by the poor visibility in the town today, there is a controlled burn in the forest of next door Idaho apparently and the smoke tends to seep over and stick in the valley here (so the taxi driver tells me).  Besides, my legs have done enough recently and deserve a rest.

Reflecting back over the previous days, it has been a bit of a whirlwind, Portland and Astoria already seem like months ago.  We have covered 756 miles and climbed 36, 675 feet.  There is still a long way to go though and tomorrow is a quite a biggy.

Me last night with Scott and Michael (two of the guides)

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