Thursday 18 August 2016

Acclimatising in Portland

First full day in Portland today and it was a scorcher. There is a mini heatwave in this part of the north west over the next few days with temperatures touching 40 C. (Erol - I have added death by heatstroke to the list of trip hazards). Fortunately it looks like subsiding a bit before we start cycling on Sunday. I took a bike tour of of the city in the morning to get a feel of the place before the heat got too oppressive in the afternoon.

Here's the tour guide with the downtown area in the background, not a cloud in the sky.

Here's me from the same spot. My tee shirt got several complements today in the place that is the supposed cycling capital of the US.

A shot near the University, there are lots of nice little parks around.

The rest of the group outside one of the uni buildings.

Shortly after we left this final stop I launched a devastating attack to break free of the peloton and arrive back at the bike hire shop to take the yellow jersey.


  1. Glad to see the t-shirt on tour! Much more stylish than any yellow jersey! :-) Hope you have a great time. Love, Anna, Francis, Elsa and Poppy xxxx

  2. Cheers. Let me tell you, I have had so many people comment on the tee shirt. I need a spare for when this is in the wash.
