Sunday 9 October 2016


Stop 2 of my post ride journey is New York City, the city that doesn't go to bed.  I arrived mid morning and my room wasn't ready but didn't mind because it was a gorgeous day so was quite happy wandering round for a couple for hours, it really is such a great city to do that.  I dropped off what should be my final laundry of the trip and in the evening indulged my strange Wicked obsession by going to see the musical again.

I regained some street cred by going to the other end of the spectrum the following night and went to a punk rock show.  I saw Descendents were playing on Broadway and managed to get a last minute ticket.  I used to be really into them back in the day and never saw them so it was a happy coincidence that they were playing on the weekend I was here.  They were also supported by another band I got into recently, F*cked Up! (have some of that Wicked).  It was a nice air conditioned venue, there were chandeliers and cinema style seating at the back which seemed a bit out of place for the acts playing.  We were subject to airport style screening on the way in and outside a sign said no guns were allowed in, which was reassuring.  Earlier in the day I went to the 911 museum, I had just missed the opening of this the last time I was here in May 2014. It is excellent museum situated at the site of the twin towers and features lots of artifacts from the day. It is a very informative, moving in parts and really does justice to the most compelling news event of my lifetime.  I was glad I got there fairly early because when I came out the queue to get in was huge.  I would have stayed longer but underestimated the time I thought I might spend there and had to meet Grace for lunch.  I did the Lands End to John O'Groats bike ride with Grace last year and it was her who told me about the Portland to Portland trip, so she is the reason I am here really.  She lives in Manhattan so we met at southern cuisine restaurant close to my hotel.  It was nice food and good to hear about Grace's recent cycling adventures.

It was grey and wet on Sunday morning so did a bit of shopping. The rain stopped early afternoon so took a stroll along the High Line.  This is an elevated walkway on the site of an old railway that starts in Chelsea close to where I am staying. I spent the evening at a comedy club, I think I probably had the worst seat in the house with the stage at 8 o'clock to the direction I was seated. Still a couple of the acts were really good so it was a laugh.

I could definitely live here.

Scott, one of the guides from Trek Travel has uploaded a load of photos from the cycling trip.  There are some really good ones and more to follow.

Hot ticket


  1. Definitely a couple of shows at either end of the musical spectrum!
    Great that the gig coincided with your trip - bonus that they don'the allow guns too!
    Did the Decsendents play any of their classics?
    Venue sounds a bit better than the Leadmill!

  2. Yeh they played all the classics from Everything Sucks, I'd not heard those for ages. They are promoting a new album.
