Sunday 16 October 2016


Final stop before heading back to Blighty is Miami.  I landed about 18:30 and enjoyed the cab ride from the airport to South Beach where the light from nearly full moon illuminated the downtown Miami skyline.  I am staying at a cool hotel on Washington Avenue called The Anglers, it is in a great location, very central and just two streets away from the main drag of Ocean Drive, thanks to Janine for recommending.

I have spent my time on more bus tours and generally just wandering about soaking up the Miami atmos. I knew that there was a strong Spanish influence in Miami but with the amount Spanish spoken here I sometimes forgot that I was in America. I took in most of the major sights here, walking round the main shopping area of Lincoln Road, the historic art deco district, the beach, the holocaust memorial, South Pointe Park, a Cuban lunch in Little Havana and several trips up and down Ocean Drive and Miami Beach boardwalk (never seen so many Ferraris). All jaunts out interspersed with frequent retreats back to the air conditioned hotel to escape the heat and humidity.  The weather has been pretty sultry with the occasional shower although today it has been cloudier with more consistent rain, perhaps will serve as a good transition for my return to the UK climate later today.  I would say it is back to reality but I don't have a job to go back to and rather fancy some more gallivanting. Ha!

Downtown from the bus top
Miami Beach
The temperature didn't drop below 80 much during my stay (or ever)
Art Deco
Ocean Drive
Beach from South Pointe Pier

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