Saturday 1 October 2016

Day 42: Ticonderoga to Fairlee

Today was another fairly cool, cloudy day but we managed to evade the rain again.  We really have been quite fortunate with the weather this trip as we seem to leave places as bad weather moves in a day or two later, we are leaving a path of destruction across the States.  It had been raining earlier in the morning so the roads were wet as we set off today.  The day began with a 2.5 mile ride to the Ticonderoga ferry which took 7 minutes to transport bikes and vans over Lake Champlain.  After docking we were in state number 15 of the trip, Vermont, a group photo was taken before we set off on the rest of the ride.  Vermont is very hilly and we had with plenty of double digit gradient ascents today, most were fairly short but we had two longer ones either side of lunch through the Green Mountains.  At the top of the first one, the Brandon Gap, we met up with Lexi who was with us at the start of the trip to Missoula.  She has a place in Vermont and brought along some cattle bells to give us Tour de France style encouragement as we reached the summit.  We were also joined today by a guy from Holland who was on the trip last year.  Unfortunately he had an accident on this ride a year ago that left him with broken leg, he's here to finish the journey he was unable to complete then, good on him.  All in all another fun day's riding with more pretty fall colours on display.

Ride Details

Vans embarking the Ticonderoga ferry
Ready for the short crossing
Group photo in Vermont
Cool road
Nice view over Lake Moray at the hotel

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